Strasbourg, 26 October 2016: Delivery of the PPT Judgment on Megaprojects and fundamental rights in Europe to the European Institutions

Revealing the Judgement of the Permanent People’s Tribunal on the Turin-Lyon high speed Rail link. Unsustainable useless large infrastructure projects: Stop the waste of Money Wednesday 26 October 2016 – 17.00 19.00 – Strasbourg meeting room S.2.1   Web streaming:   Welcome Speech: Merja Kyllonen, MEP GUE NGL Coordinator in Transport committee Delivery of…

43. Transnational Corporations in Southern Africa (2016-2018)

The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) held its opening Session on Transnational Corporations in Southern Africa in Manzini, Swaziland, on 16-17 August 2016.  The PPT analyzed a sample of cases based in Swaziland, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia and Mozambique, regarding corporate intervention in the critical areas of the extractive industries and land grabbing. In its Statement,…

4th -5th July, international conference: “Globalization and fundamental rights, 40 years after the Universal Declaration of Peoples’ Rights”

Download the program of the international conference No century in human history, before the 20th century, has had the privilege of witnessing so much interest, so many declarations and so much legislation about human rights, globally. Indeed never before, with a few short-lived exceptions, had people attempted to establish a language of human rights, to…

4th -5th July, international conference: “The Universal Declaration of Peoples’ Rights, its legacy forty years later”

In the 40th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Peoples’ Rights (the Algiers Declaration), which Lelio Basso promoted together with other major intellectuals and policymakers of his time, the Lelio e Lisli Basso Foundation and the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal have the pleasure to announce the international conference “The Universal Declaration of Peoples’ Rights, its legacy…