Session on the Violations of the Human Rights of Migrant and Refugee Peoples
Berlin Hearing, 23-25 October 2020
The Session of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) on the right to health for migrants and refugee peoples, convened in Berlin (October, 23-25), represents a significant event of th long process which has been launched in 2017, and has been developed through Sessions held in Palermo, in Paris, Barcelona, London, Brussels (2017-2019).
The overall purpose of this long process, which has monitored, from inside the national scenarios and with the systematic assessment of the policies and decisions of the European Union (EU), the dramatic and uninterrupted evolution of the systematic violation of the fundamental human and peoples rights of the migrants and refugees, has been to document:
– the causes and the responsibilities of what has been happening as result of a necropolitics which has produced tens of thousand of avoidable deaths and of uncountable sufferings;
– the permanence of the absence of national and European policies compliant with the requirements of international and constitutional obligations and fundamental rights;
– the existence and the inviolable rights, beyond and above the apparent fragmentation and diversity of their origin and identities, of a true transversal people as legitimate subject of human and citizens rights.
Coherent with its original vocation and its Statutes, the PPT has produced factual and juridical evidences that the unwillingness of the community of the European States and of the EU to recognise their duties of assuring and promoting policies corresponding to the needs of the people of migrants and refugees has translated into an ongoing genocide, which threatens also the identity itself of Europe as a democratic and legitimate reality. It is not the main role of the PPT that of formulating verdicts of criminal responsibility, but that of indicating and declaring as intolerable the failure of international and national laws, and to affirm the priority and the obligations which should be assumed by the individual countries and the EU in order to comply with their commitments of a democratic community of states.
The present Session, while updating and integrating the findings which have already been submitted to the previous European Parliament, in representation of a broad spectrum of organisations and movements from Germany and European countries has assumed as its focus the violations of the fundamental right to health and to a life with dignity.
The accessibility to such rights ought to be an unequivocal indicator of the capacity of the European Union to recognise and recuperate its identiy as a region of the world committed to an inclusive society where all human beings are upheld in their humnanity and with equal rights.
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