The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) will hold on 1 September 2022 in São Paulo, Brazil, from 10 am 12:30 pm Brazilian time, the closing act of the session ‘Pandemic and Authoritarianism. The responsibility of the Bolsonaro government for the systematic violations of the fundamental rights of Brazilian peoples perpetrated through the policies imposed in the Covid-19 pandemic’.
The PPT procedure was opened in response to a request received from the Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns Human Rights Defence Commission, the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib), the Black Coalition for Rights and Public Services International (PSI). These organisations petitioned the PPT arguing the increase in hostility and violence against minority groups in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic, claiming that the President of the Republic of Brazil, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, and his government intentionally facilitated the escalation of the pandemic in the country. The public hearings were held on 24 and 25 May.
The panel of judges, convened by the PPT President and the PPT General secretary, is chaired by the distinguished Italian jurist and former judge Luigi Ferrajoli, full professor at the University of Rome Tre and integrated by renowned experts in the fields of Law, social sciences, and global health:
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA – Sir Clare Roberts, former Minister of Justice, former president of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and former judge of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court; ARGENTINA – Alejandro Macchia, public health physician and epidemiologist; Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni, former member of the Supreme Court of Argentina and former judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights – OAS; BRAZIL Kenarik Boujikian, former appellate judge at São Paulo Court of Justice; Rubens Ricupero, ambassador, former Minister, former Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; Vercilene Dias Kalunga, quilombola leader and lawyer; UNITED KINGDOM – Baroness Vivien Stern, member of the House of Lords, specialist in criminal law and human rights; ITALY – Nicoletta Dentico, journalist, writer, and global health consultant; PORTUGAL – Luís Moita, full professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon, specialist in Peace and War Studies.
The program is available in Portuguese and English.
The General Secretariat of the PPT in Rome will act remotely, as will the international panel of judges.
Simultaneous translation (Portuguese – English) will be provided.
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