Following the conclusion of its long term investigation and judgment (2017-2019) on the necropolitics of the European Union and of its members States in their policies of rejection and repression of the people of migrants, the Permanent Peoples Tribunal (PPT) had further expressed its dramatic concern in front of what could only be qualified as an ‘ongoing genocide’, requiring a permanent, intensive political and juridical monitoring by the many, diversified though fragmented networks of solidarity.
In the meantime, while on one side a formal request of intervention of international competent institutional organs has been formulated (see the legal submission to the International Criminal Court accusing the EU and some of its Member States of “crimes against humanity” against refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean), the last-several months have documented the consolidation across Europe, and in its relation with other concerned countries, of an even more worrying situation: the full denial and the active disappearance of the migrants as human beings from any political, economic, juridical consideration, despite the overwhelmingly tragic amount of evidences which would require immediate obligatory interventions.
What has become evident over the last several weeks, in coincidence with the COVID 19 crisis, has been the tragic cancellation of the people of the migrants even from the minimal agendas of attention, despite the continuing and aggravating documentation of the extension and gravity of the criminal violations of their rights to protection. While therefore the call for a permanent monitoring is renewed, to underline the sense of urgency and despair of the groups committed, the PPT:
– announces for September 28 in Rome a public PPT event targeted to present to the EU a stringent agenda of action on migration as part of a renewed profile of responsibilities;
– pre-alerts all the concerned organizations who have been activated over the last years to be ready during the month of September to an effort of communication and sharing of their experiences, targeted to produce a comprehensive and even more compelling picture of the situation;
– announces an ad hoc Session of the PPT in Berlin (24-25 October) targeted to a comprehensive evaluation of the respective violations of the fundamental rights of migrants and refugees in Europe.
* More information on participation and the event will be communicated in early September