Rome, 10 December 2018: The genocide of the Rohingya people. International law and international criminal jurisdiction

  Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal and Lelio and Lisli Basso Foundation The genocide of the Rohingya people  International law and international criminal jurisdiction Rome, 10 December 2018 Sala della Lupa, Chamber of deputy, Piazza Montecitorio   (Download the program) On the day commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Lelio and Lisli…

47. Human Rights, Fracking and Climate Change (14-18 May 2018)

On January 2018, the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) has been requested to formulate an Advisory Opinion (download here) on the activities included under the label of fracking and other unconventional oil and gas extraction techniques, and on climate change, with respect to their impact on the fundamental rights of affected populations and on the rights of nature. The request had been promoted, formulated and signed by qualified representatives of academic groups and community organizations. The Session took place via a virtual platform (Zoom) on 14-18 May 2018.

London, 3-4 November 2018: Hearing on “Hostile environment on trial”. The working condition of migrants and refugees

The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal will hold a Hearing on The hostile environment on trial, with a focus on the working condition of migrants and refugees. The hearing is part of the Session on The violation of human rights of migrants and refugee peoples (2017-2019): Date: Saturday 3RD and Sunday 4TH November 2018 Place of the public…

Declaration of the PPT panel of the judges for the hearing on “No-Law” spaces held in Barcelona (29 June – 1 July 2018)

The Declaration of the PPT panel of the judges that heard in Barcelona, on the occasion of the hearing on “non-law” spaces (29 June – 1 July 2018) is available in Spanish. Representatives of associations and communities of migrants reported numerous cases of violation of human rights occurring at the southern border of Spain and more…

46. The violations of international law and international humanitarian law by the Turkish Republic and its officials against the Kurdish people and their organizations (Paris, 15-16 March 2018)

The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal Session on Turkey and the Kurdish people was held in Paris on 15 and 16 March 2018. The Judgment was announced at the European Parliament on 24 May 2018 and is available in French and English. The session was requested by the European Association for Democracy and World Human Rights ELDH, International Association…

Session on Human Rights, Fracking and Climate change: the preliminary statement of the PPT

The PPT is an international, fully independent organization established in 1979 as an opinion Tribunal having as its primary statute the Universal Declaration of Peoples’ Rights (Algiers, 1976). The main aim of the PPT is to contribute to the struggle of peoples for their self-determination and the prevention, assessment, judgment and reparation of their fundamental…