Sydney, 15 May 2018: Presentation of the volume “Peoples’ Tribunal and International Law”

Peoples’ Tribunals and International Law  (Edited by Andrew Byrnes and Gabrielle Simm, published by the Cambridge University Press in January 2018) came out earlier this year and will be formally launched in Sydney at UNSW on 15 May 2018 (here are the details and registration).  The event will be available shortly afterwards on the website of the Australian Human…

Session on the violation of human rights of migrants and refugee people: the Sentences of Palermo and Paris

The two Sessions which have been held in Palermo (December, 18-20 2017) and Paris (January,4-5 2018) represent the first step of the program recommended in the concluding decisions of the opening Session of the Permanent People’s Tribunal (PPT) held in Barcelona (July, 7-8 2017). Both Sessions are focused on the facts and responsibilities documented on…

45. The violation of human rights of migrants and refugee people (2017-2020)

Opening Session – Barcelona, 7-8 July 2017
The general Indictment (English – Spanish)
The preliminary conclusions (Spanish)
Hearing of Palermo, 18-20 December 2017
The Indictment (Italian)
The Sentence of the Tribunal (Italian) (Spanish) (English)
Hearing of Paris, 4-5 January 2018
The Indictment (French)
The Sentence of the Tribunal (French – Spanish)

Palermo, December 18-20, 2017: press release and jury announcement for second phase of the session on migrant and refugee rights

Session on Human Rights of Migrants and Refugees Violated with Impunity (2017-2018)   Hearing in Palermo, December 18-20, 2017 Address: Plesso didattico Bernardo Albanese, Piazza Napoleone Colajanni On December 18, 2017, the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) will begin its first session dedicated to the human rights violations of migrants and refugees. It will begin on…

6 November 2017, Rome: presentation of the Judgment of the PPT on State Crimes Allegedly committed in Myanmar against Rohingyas, Kachins and other Groups

  Presentation of: The Judgment of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on Rohingyas, Kachins and other groups in Myanmar (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia– 18-22 September 2017) 6 November 2017 – 5 pm Palazzo Giustiniani – Sala Zuccari Roma, Via Dogana Vecchia 29 Intervention of: Nello Rossi, general lawyer of the Court of Cassation Gianni Tognoni, Secretary General…