49. In defense of the Cerrado territories (2021-2022)

1. Opening session, 10 September 2021

A. Indictment (Spanish – Portuguese)

B. Case file (Portuguese)

2. Thematic hearing on water, 30 November and 1 December 2021

A. Statement of the panel of judges (English – Italian – Spanish – Portuguese)

B. Prosecutorial Materials: General Recommendations, Urgent and Necessary Measures for the Protection of the Cerrado Waters (Portuguese)

November 30 – December 1, 2021: Thematic hearing on water of the PPT session in defense of the Cerrado territories

PERMANENT PEOPLES’ TRIBUNAL SESSION IN DEFENSE OF THE CERRADO TERRITORIES Thematic hearing on water November 30 – December 1, 2021 8:30 am -12:30 pm, Brasilia time – 12:30-4:30 pm CET Statement by the PPT panel of judges December 10, 2021 2:00-3:00 pm, Brasilia time – 6:00-7:00 pm CET You can follow the hearing in Portuguese…

In memory of Fabiola Letelier

The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) joins with the most intense emotion and gratitude the commemoration of Fabiola Letelier, who died in Santiago de Chile on November 17th, concluding, at the age of 92, a very long activity as a human rights lawyer which saw her as a protagonist both on the national and international scene…

Opening Session on the Murder of Journalists: Statement of the PPT General Secretariat

THE PERMANENT PEOPLES’ TRIBUNAL ON THE MURDER OF JOURNALISTS Opening session, November 2nd, 2021, Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague https://youtu.be/fVq7C54h7Z0 Statement of the PPT General Secretariat The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) held its Opening session on the murders of journalists on November 2nd, 2021, in The Hague. The PPT was established in 1979 in Bologna, Italy,…

The Hague, November 2, 2021: Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on the Murder of Journalists

PERMANENT PEOPLES’ TRIBUNAL ON THE MURDER OF JOURNALISTS OPENING SESSION, THE HAGUE, NOVEMBER 2, 2021, 9.00-18.00 CET Download the program The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT), established in 1979 on the basis of the Universal Declaration of Peoples’ Rights, and in compliance with its Statute, has opened a procedure to investigate the violation of fundamental human…

September 10, 2021: launch event of the PPT Session on Cerrado (Brazil)

LAUNCH EVENT OF THE SESSION OF THE PERMANENT PEOPLES’ TRIBUNAL IN DEFENSE OF THE CERRADO TERRITORIES 10/09/2021, from 9 to 12 p.m. (Brasilia time) Program: https://campanhacerrado.org.br/noticias/304-tpp-esta-chegando Presentation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyHQAFQLKlA&t=32s Link to follow the event in Portuguese: Link to register and receive instructions to follow the event in Spanish: https://forms.gle/8LEqswdhZaxfho6MA The National Campaign in Defense of the Cerrado, which includes…

The PPT Judgment on Political Genocide, Impunity and Crimes Against Peace in Colombia (2020-2021)

The Judgment of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) on Political Genocide, Impunity and Crimes Against Peace in Colombia was issued on June 17, 2021 in Bogota. The PPT panel of judges, composed by Raúl Vera, Andrés Barreda, Lottie Cunningham, Esperanza Martínez, Graciela Daleo, Daniel Feierstein, Luis Moita, Antoni Pigrau Solé, Mireille Fanon, Michel Forst, Philippe…