Freedom of information under attack

The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) recently concluded in The Hague one of its most significant sessions on the impunity of the murder of journalists and media workers. The session highlighted how one of the most notorious crimes in international law, that of the “elimination” (this non-legal term reflects the concrete reality) of the guarantors of…

52. Sri Lanka and Tamil People, Third Session (Berlin 2023)

The third session of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on Sri Lanka launched its judgment on September 25, 2023, where human rights activists from Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America participated – virtually and in presence – in a display of people-to-people solidarity, further emphasising the role of the Tribunal as an institution listening to peoples’…

Chile 1973-2023: Memories for the Present

On Monday, Chile commemorated the 50th anniversary of the military coup that inaugurated a bloody dictatorship holding a ceremony at the government palace in La Moneda attended by several regional leaders. The military regime led by General Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990) killed 3,200 people, of whom 1,469 disappeared. Half a century later, 297 repressors have been…

Rohingyas: Listening to an ongoing genocide

The Permanent Peoples Tribunal (PPT) judgment on the genocidal persecution and expulsion of Rohingyas people into Bangladesh, back in 2017, was the first systematic documentation of the Myanmar military junta’s criminal responsibility (openly shared by the former Prime Minister Aung San Suu Kyi). The pieces of evidence produced by the PPT were further and repetitively…

Memory of Salvatore Senese

 by Franco Ippolito This contribution, authored by Franco Ippolito, past President of the PPT (2014-2017), provides a reflection on the specific and present significance of the professional and political role of the second President of our Tribunal, Salvatore Senese (2004-2014). Senese played a major role in the Italian institutional scenario by promoting the increasing importance…